Privacy e Cookie

The optional and voluntary supply of an e-mail address to addresses listed on the Website involves the later acquisition of the sender's address, as well as any other personal data inserted in the communication necessary to answer to and fulfil the requests.
Moreover, you may forward your data to us by filling in specific online forms drafted by PIZVAL so as to take advantage of the services offered by the website itself. A summary of all the specific information is published within the site-pages through which the data is collected so as to supply the requested services.
You are the sole responsible for the correctness of the data supplied during the registration phase and the filling in of these forms, and as such, as of now, undertake to update the personal data supplied on a regular basis.
Holder of the data processing:
Via Mameli 107 - 21019 Somma Lombardo VA
Tel. 0331.252.630 - Fax 0331.253.987 - E-mail:
P.IVA: 02227160021 - registro imprese di Varese - REA n° 300177 - capitale sociale, euro 100.000,00
Managing Cookies
This document explains what cookies are and how they are used on this site.
What are cookies?
A cookie is a text file that the site sends to the computer or other device connected to the internet in order to identify beyond any doubt the user's browser or to save information or configurations in the browser.
Are cookies used on this site?
Yes. This site uses cookies to improve the site and supply services and other functions to its users. Cookies can be limited or deactivated through the web browser. However, without cookies some or all of the functions of the site could prove impossible to utilise.
What sort of cookies are present on this site?
Cookies that are strictly necessary
Such cookies are essential to fulfil the activities required by the user. For instance, to memorise information supplied by the user whilst browsing on the site or in order to manage the "login" state during the visit.
Functional cookies
These allow the site to memorise the choices effected by the user, re-usable subsequently.
For instance, they allow the site to memorise the setting search, authentication and other persoanlised functions.
Third party cookies
These allow the gathering of data regarding the use of the site, such as the contents visited and the functions used, with the aim of improving the performance and layout of the site. These cookies may be sent by the supplier of the tool, but are used only for purposes linked to the site.
Google Analytics
This site uses Google Analytics cookies, capable of profiling, used by this site to analyze aggregate data about visitors. On this site the IP of Google Analytics has been anonymized.
Deactivate Google Analytics click here
Browser: how can cookies be limited or deactivated?
Every browser offers methods to limit or deactivate cookies. For further information about managing cookies visit the appropriate links:
Furthermore, it is possible to visit or in English to get information as to how to manage/eliminate cookies according to the type of browser used.
To eliminate cookies from the internet browser of your smartphone/tablet you need. to consult the user's manual of the device.
This page is visible through links present in each page of the Site in accordance with article 122, second clause D.lgs. 196/2003 and following the simplified information norms and the acquiring of consent to the use of cookies published on the G.U. n.126 - 3 June 2014 and relative registration of the provision n.229 - 8 May 2014.